The Police want to interview you;
You can either go to face them alone or we take charge of your defence and we can go can together.
Here are your options:
YES! I’m Ready To fight with my legal team for the The Best Possible Outcome With The Least possible Repercussions to me.
(Negative Option) No Thanks; I don’t want To fight with my legal team for the The Best Possible Outcome With The Least possible Repercussions to me.
YES! I’m Ready To begin Laying The Best Possible Foundations For The Ultimate Defence Of my Case in Any Ongoing Investigation Or Future Court Hearing
No Thanks! I’m NOT Ready To begin Laying The Best Possible Foundations For The Ultimate Defence Of my Case At Any Ongoing Investigation Or Future Court Hearing!
YES! Send My lawyer with Decades Of Legal Experience In Criminal Law As my Personal Legal Representative,
(Negative Option) No Thanks! I Don’t Care That My lawyer with Decades Of Legal Experience In Criminal Law As my Personal Legal Representative will not be with me.
YES! Send My lawyer who will be able to negotiate with the Police to my advantage and in my best interests.
(Negative Option) No Thanks! I Don’t Care that My lawyer who will be able to negotiate with the Police to my advantage and in my best interests is not with me
YES! Send My lawyer who will be able to advise On Interview Strategy and Protect my Rights as a suspect at the police station
(Negative Option) No Thanks! I Don’t Care that My lawyer who will be able to advise On Interview Strategy and Protect my Rights as a suspect at the police station is not with me.
YES! Send My lawyer who can attend a police station interview and represent me free of charge. I am aware that the Government covers lawyer fees.
(Negative Option) No Thanks! I Don’t want My lawyer who can attend a police station interview and represent me free of charge. I am aware that the Government covers lawyer fees.